Regional News and Events
May 2020
Ask Monty: Have you tried Monty’s Dually halter and long lines?
Question: Have you tried Monty's Dually halter and long lines? I wanted to know, if I am training a three-year-old filly to respond to my hands, can I use the Dually halter and the driving lines or long lines with a saddle instead of a surcingle?
Ask Monty: How do you convey safety and build trust?
Ask Monty: How do you convey safety and build trust? ... in your work with PTSD sufferers, have you found that there are certain signs to look for, and body language that can be used by another person to convey safety, and to reinforce trust?
Ask Monty: How do you ride a bucking horse?
How do you ride a bucking (fresh) horse? Monty's Answer: To my way of thinking, the most important part of these ‘fresh horse’ rides is what you do before you get on. ... One of the Golden Rules ... is Safety First.
April 2020
Personal Coaching from Monty Roberts, for you and your horse
Media Contact: Debbie Loucks
Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc.
(949) 632-1856
[email protected]
April 30, 2020 Solvang, California:
“A good horse trainer can make a horse do what he wants him to do. A great trainer can cause a horse to want to do it.” – […]
Ask Monty: Can you Join-Up with a bull?
I am amazed at your work with horses in the circle enclosure ... Do you think if I built a round pen like you use, and brought a bull in, he would respond with the same result as when your horses Join-Up?
Ask Monty: Where were you when I needed you?
April 22, 2020 – Ask Monty Newsletter
Question: Where were you when I needed you?
I am 78 years old and worked with horses in the 1950s and 60s. I hated the methods of training. I decided to look at […]