Monty’s Blog
The latest news and how to’s from Monty Roberts, Join-Up International and the Monty Roberts International Learning Center
Monty Roberts Willing Partnersâ„¢ Demonstration Videos
Our training covers a huge variety of experiences for every [...]
Champion Trainer Gai Waterhouse Calls on Monty
Solvang, CA (August 21, 2013) -Â Â Race trainer Gai Waterhouse will [...]
Monty’s Special Training Clinic Daily Journal
 Day 1, Monty's Special Training A super group representing [...]
Helping Employees Turn Their Performance Around
by Dr. Susan Cain and Debbie Roberts-Loucks Recently, we received [...]
How sensitive is your horse?
Question: My horse is very sensitive in the flank and [...]
Upcoming Monty Roberts Special Training Workshop
Come and discover what horses have to teach us about [...]
The Starting Gate for Sensitive Racehorses
Thank you very much for your question and I must [...]
Monty Roberts Corporate Training Events
Preparing for More Effective Presentations Using... Horse Training? Â By [...]