Regional News and Events
August 2017
Does it matter what words you use with your horse?
Monty’s Answer:
Dear Gale,
Thank you for asking the question regarding horses and how they process words and or sounds. Please be aware that I am fully in favor of all of the statements made by our online student, Kiki, […]
July 2017
Life Lessons at the Upcoming Monty Roberts Special Training
July 17, 2017 Solvang, California: Come and discover what horses have to teach us about lowering stress, and building trust at the Monty Roberts Special Training to be held at […]
June 2017
Monty Roberts Recognized for Several Equine Media Awards
The latest announcement came from one of the oldest, most traditional equestrian programs on earth, The Spanish Riding School in Vienna, Austria. Monty Roberts is being asked to attend and demonstrate his gentle horse training techniques Join-Up® for […]
April 2017
Monty Roberts Joins the Water Hay Oats Alliance
April 27, 2017 Solvang, California: Monty Roberts spent six years in University and received doctorates in Behavioral Sciences from University of Zurich and University of Parma. Along with his wife, Pat, he built and operates Flag Is Up […]
Podcasts on a Plane, Surprise
Traveling to Brazil recently left me with lots of time to fill. The back of the seat in front of me provided my inflight safety information rather than the human who usually does, so I was drawn to […]
Monty Roberts Appearances in the USA
Monty and Pat Roberts are pleased to announce three USA demonstrations in the coming months. The international growth of non-traditional and violence-free training of horses since 1996 when Monty’s autobiography The Man Who Listens to Horses was published, has drawn […]