Ask Monty: Does your horse like his blanket?


November. 27, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Does your horse like his blanket? My horse refuses to accept a turnout rug. I have been kicked several times and my hands have been burned because the horse bolts away from me as I attempt to put the rug over the body. He has pulled back [...]

Ask Monty: Does your horse like his blanket?2019-12-03T08:17:59-08:00

Ask Monty: Do you recommend equipment that keeps the horse’s head down?


November. 20, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do you recommend equipment that keeps the horse's head down? Do you recommend martingales, draw reins, tie-downs or chambons? Monty's Answer: I would like you to think about this answer­ carefully. I am being asked here for an opinion on equipment that is fully extrinsic. I believe [...]

Ask Monty: Do you recommend equipment that keeps the horse’s head down?2019-12-03T08:18:16-08:00

Ask Monty: What do you do with a horse that runs to the gate?


November. 13, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: What do you do with a horse that runs to the gate? What do you do with a horse that repeatedly runs to the gate? Monty's Answer: You need to cause your horse to be uncomfortable when he is near the gate and completely comfortable when he [...]

Ask Monty: What do you do with a horse that runs to the gate?2019-12-03T08:18:27-08:00

Ask Monty: Do you still work with the Queen’s horses?


November. 6, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do you still work with the Queen’s horses? Do you still go to England to visit and work with the Queen’s horses? Monty's Answer: Yes, in fact, England is on my current schedule for two months of every year. While I tour the country to do demonstrations, [...]

Ask Monty: Do you still work with the Queen’s horses?2019-11-09T05:31:33-08:00

Ask Monty: Do your methods make horses more successful?


October. 30, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do your methods make horses more successful? You work mostly on horse problems such as biting, kicking or refusing to go into the trailer. Do you think your methods could make top horses even more successful, get dressage horses more concentrated in the arena or make show [...]

Ask Monty: Do your methods make horses more successful?2019-10-31T06:22:14-07:00

Ask Monty: How do horses help humans?


October. 23, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: How do horses help humans? You've created special programs for veterans, abused children, people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). What is it about the impact of horses on these people? Monty's Answer: Those familiar with my thoughts on healing should know that I don't believe there [...]

Ask Monty: How do horses help humans?2019-10-28T02:29:32-07:00

Ask Monty: Are mustangs different from domestic horses?


October. 16, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Are mustangs different from domestic horses? You have a great love and a very special attention for mustangs and you've trained a lot of wild mustangs. Are mustangs different from domestic horses? Why are they so special? Monty's Answer: One should remember that mustangs are feral and [...]

Ask Monty: Are mustangs different from domestic horses?2019-10-16T08:43:41-07:00

Ask Monty: Have horse training methods improved?


October. 2, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Have horse training methods improved? About your methods of training horses, you question some traditional methods, for e.g. the use of the whip, but still it's the main item in horse shops. You've been a part of a horse market in the world for long, how is [...]

Ask Monty: Have horse training methods improved?2019-10-05T03:03:45-07:00

Ask Monty: Do you need Monty’s help?


September. 25, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do you need Monty’s help? How can a horse owner get helped with a problem, can they write to you? Monty's Answer: I answer a lot of questions throughout the week, whether on tour in person, by email through this newsletter, in the classroom facilitating a course [...]

Ask Monty: Do you need Monty’s help?2019-10-05T03:30:13-07:00

Ask Monty: How can we learn to listen to horses?


September. 18, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: How can we learn to listen to horses? How can we learn to listen to horses? Can anyone learn the horses’ language or does it require a special talent? Monty's Answer: For the past 30 years, I have set out to show the world how my concepts have improved [...]

Ask Monty: How can we learn to listen to horses?2019-10-05T03:29:51-07:00
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