Causing your horse to ‘want to’


Horsemanship clinics are flourishing and there has never been a time in history when horse owners have had more opportunity to learn to be better owners. So why are so many of us confused at times by the multitude of information and seemingly opposing answers about horsemanship? In the beginning, horses don't understand what we [...]

Causing your horse to ‘want to’2019-10-05T05:11:43-07:00

Ask Monty: Do you need Monty’s help?


September. 25, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do you need Monty’s help? How can a horse owner get helped with a problem, can they write to you? Monty's Answer: I answer a lot of questions throughout the week, whether on tour in person, by email through this newsletter, in the classroom facilitating a course [...]

Ask Monty: Do you need Monty’s help?2019-10-05T03:30:13-07:00

Ask Monty: How can we learn to listen to horses?


September. 18, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: How can we learn to listen to horses? How can we learn to listen to horses? Can anyone learn the horses’ language or does it require a special talent? Monty's Answer: For the past 30 years, I have set out to show the world how my concepts have improved [...]

Ask Monty: How can we learn to listen to horses?2019-10-05T03:29:51-07:00

Harmony in Horsemanship


Extremes in competitive horse showing techniques sometimes swing like a pendulum, from one end of the spectrum to the other. Horseback riding disciplines born out of a practical application like dressage (war) and Western reining (ranch work) have evolved over time to become a display of skill sets, awarded points by a judge for their [...]

Harmony in Horsemanship2019-10-05T05:12:09-07:00

Monty Roberts’ New Series on Horses That Fear Spray Bottles


December 31, 2018 Solvang, California: Monty Roberts is the ultimate horse behaviorist. Whether the issue is how to encourage a horse to want to do something, or conversely how to overcome a remedial issue, Monty is called upon by some of the greatest horse persons on earth to help. Sometimes a horse has lived with a [...]

Monty Roberts’ New Series on Horses That Fear Spray Bottles2019-05-22T14:38:32-07:00

Sept 10-12 Motivational Interviewing with Horses & Monty Roberts


August 28, 2018 Solvang, California: Motivational Interviewing (M.I.) closely parallels the work of renowned horseman, Monty Roberts whose non-violent approaches to working with horses and people has reached around the globe. M.I. is regularly used in Monty Roberts' Horse Sense & Healing program which rests upon a foundation of equine-assisted learning. “Learn to live by the principles [...]

Sept 10-12 Motivational Interviewing with Horses & Monty Roberts2018-08-29T10:51:49-07:00

Monty Meets Mule & Wallace Finds Dressage


Monty Meets Mule & Wallace Finds Dressage August 28, 2018 Solvang, CA: Wallace the Dressage Mule! Wallace the Great!These are but a few of the titles being lavished on Wallace the Mule these days. But Wallace was once homeless, wondering a village in Ireland. What is the story behind this great change of fate?Wallace [...]

Monty Meets Mule & Wallace Finds Dressage2019-05-22T14:43:49-07:00

How to Prepare Your Horse for the Farrier


Question: My young horse, who is 10 months old, needs farrier attention yet it seems to me that he is too young for Join-Up. What steps should I take before bringing in my farrier? Kerry Milford Monty’s Answer: Thank you for your timely question. This week we have added a sixth farrier lesson to my [...]

How to Prepare Your Horse for the Farrier2013-02-26T14:42:16-08:00

Joe Camp on Monty’s EQUUS Online University


"I highly recommend Monty Roberts Equus Online University. I spend a lot of evenings with Monty via his University. It's very inexpensive and the lessons are terrific, short and sweet, and available forever to review. No Level 1 and Level 2 nonsense. Just good things to know as you work with your horse. And the [...]

Joe Camp on Monty’s EQUUS Online University2010-12-03T19:11:40-08:00
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