Ask Monty: Have you seen PTSD in a horse before?


March 25, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Have you seen PTSD in a horse before? During the breaking in of my beloved mare, something went horribly wrong for her. Somehow she became a rodeo horse. She was rejected because she didn't buck properly. Her tail was broken and she was tazered. Then when she [...]

Ask Monty: Have you seen PTSD in a horse before?2020-04-24T01:53:43-07:00

Ask Monty: Are horses individuals?


March 18, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Are horses individuals? My pony will move his head in a full clockwise circle over and over again. He will do it if he's at the gate and ready to leave the arena if I allow him to. Last week we put him out in the field [...]

Ask Monty: Are horses individuals?2020-04-24T01:58:44-07:00

Ask Monty: Is your horse explosive?


March. 4, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Is your horse explosive? Looking for ideas on how to help a horse that is on stall rest and can only be hand walked post surgery. He gets so, quite understandably, full of energy that he gets explosive, which makes going for a quiet hand walk challenging [...]

Ask Monty: Is your horse explosive?2020-03-16T02:11:36-07:00

Ask Monty: Can your horse jump confidently?


February. 26, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Can your horse jump confidently? Hi there, I have a problem with a jumper. After his jump he just goes absolutely mad, bucks, rears and just freaks out. Now I'm an experienced trainer and unfortunately I can not find the solution. He has been checked by the [...]

Ask Monty: Can your horse jump confidently?2020-03-16T02:11:50-07:00

Where in the World is Monty Roberts


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected]   February 28, 2020 Solvang, California: Monty Roberts spent the last two months in Australia training up a crop of young horses and a crack team of horsemen and women from downunder. The international growth of non-traditional and violence-free training [...]

Where in the World is Monty Roberts2020-03-19T11:10:09-07:00

Ask Monty: Why do horses kick out?


February. 19, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Why do horses kick out? Monty, my mare typically kicks when I release her for Join-Up which does not seem too "safe" of an environment. Any advice on how to make her get rid of this habit? I do the orientation and then release at 2 o'clock [...]

Ask Monty: Why do horses kick out?2020-02-20T03:23:39-08:00

Ask Monty: Do you train using treats?


February. 12, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do you train using treats? In Ireland at the moment there is, as you probably know from Caitriona, Patrick, Claire and Caroline, a growing interest in horsemanship that rejects violent training methods. Catriona has been of immense help to me from a distance, and I did a [...]

Ask Monty: Do you train using treats?2020-02-20T03:22:05-08:00

Ask Monty: Does your horse follow you?


February. 5, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Does your horse follow you? Hi Monty, I have a ex racehorse mare that I struggle to get in from the field. She’s good to go into the field and is happy while out there. But when I try get her in from the field she’ll plant [...]

Ask Monty: Does your horse follow you?2020-02-20T02:58:21-08:00

Monty Roberts’ Special Training Week Aug 3-7


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] January 31, 2020 Solvang, California: On August 3-7 Monty will teach the MONTY'S SPECIAL TRAINING: 5 DAYS no prerequisites. Witness what created a revolution in horsemanship and open your mind to a whole new perspective on your horse’s methods of [...]

Monty Roberts’ Special Training Week Aug 3-72020-02-12T12:34:01-08:00

Ask Monty: When is a horse ready to carry a Queen?


January. 29, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: When is a horse ready to carry a Queen? Following on the original question from Eve about starting horses and vulnerable riders, here is Part 3 of Eve’s query: As an example, I know she is an exceedingly capable horsewoman but, as a responsible trainer, how do [...]

Ask Monty: When is a horse ready to carry a Queen?2020-01-31T08:08:58-08:00
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