Monty Roberts Certified Instructors – Canada2021-02-27T13:33:18-08:00

Monty Roberts Certified Instructors


“My greatest accomplishment was learning to be gentle; without that I feel I would have achieved nothing.” ~ Monty Roberts

A farrier and horse trainer for over 35 years, Tom’s dream has always been to realize his full potential for success as horse trainer. In 2001 he made a commitment to that success by enrolling to study Monty’s concepts at the Monty Roberts International Learning Center. In June 2005, he became our first Certified Instructor in Canada. He says that the admiration that he has for Monty and his methods has made him look at all aspects of life in a totally different way. Today Tom uses Monty’s concepts when working with horses as well as people. Tom lives with his family on the Fishing Lake Metis Settlement in east-central Alberta Canada. When he is not training horses he works with the youth in and around the community. Tom fully supports and agrees with Monty’s belief that “violence is never the answer.” Tom welcomes people from all over the world to attend the various courses he offers.
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Valaurie was born and raised in the countryside of Switzerland. Being around horses since she was 6 years old, she always knew that they were her greatest passion, and since then had the dream of moving along with her family, to her mother’s home country Canada, to open a Guest Ranch with lots of animals, especially horses. This was finally a reality in October 2016. Wanting to help Monty Roberts on his mission of leaving the world a better place for horses and people, she started studying his methods and learning about the language Equus in 2014. She completed her final steps of becoming a certified Monty Roberts Instructor in May 2018. Back in British Columbia, Canada she will be offering a variety of courses based on Monty Roberts’ non-violent horse training methods and helping horse owners with their horses, creating a 50/50 partnership based on trust, confidence and no violence.
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Regional News and Events

July 2020

Ask Monty: Does your horse ground tie?

July 15th, 2020|

I have no problem with the ground tie procedure. I simply would want no chance that the horse could step on a rein and injure his mouth. I feel sure you have taken measures to prevent this. Your discovery that relaxation extends itself to circumstances later in the day's experiences is impressive. It is so true that relaxation and cooperation build on the human observation that these circumstances are comfort inducing.

Ask Monty: How do you separate bonded horses?

July 8th, 2020|

I'm attempting to separate my gelding from stable mate. He has severe separation anxiety. What do you suggest? ... Don’t leave him alone! My best advice is to take him to a neighbor’s place where they have a safe holding facility and leave him near other horses to begin the process of separation.

Ask Monty: Do horses ever forget past abuse?

July 1st, 2020|

Do horses ever forget past abuse? I'd love some advice to help more safely handle my 11-year-old Quarter Horse gelding. He is a former ranch horse who we believe was handled roughly; he can go from being relaxed, to spooky and reactive. He typically seems to be more reactive when in an enclosed space, and feels "trapped".

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