Equestrian Media is a Must Do in 2020


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] December 21, 2019 Solvang, California: Before YouTube and speedy internet connections, when dial-up was a barrier to streaming video and social media platforms were not yet an App on your phone, there was less pressure for horse businesses [...]

Equestrian Media is a Must Do in 20202019-12-27T18:03:04-08:00

Ask Monty: My horse has difficulty taking the bit


December. 18, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: My horse has difficulty taking the bit My horse has difficulty taking the bit. It was recommended by someone that I use a bitless bridle for her, but I don’t know how to use one and no one will help me. They will only help with a [...]

Ask Monty: My horse has difficulty taking the bit2020-01-05T05:42:31-08:00

Ask Monty: Can anyone learn the horses’ language?


December. 4, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Can anyone learn the horses’ language? How can we learn to listen to horses? Can anyone learn the horses’ language or does it require a special talent? Monty's Answer: For the past 30 years I have set out to show the world how my concepts have improved [...]

Ask Monty: Can anyone learn the horses’ language?2020-01-05T05:47:10-08:00

Ask Monty: Does your horse like his blanket?


November. 27, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Does your horse like his blanket? My horse refuses to accept a turnout rug. I have been kicked several times and my hands have been burned because the horse bolts away from me as I attempt to put the rug over the body. He has pulled back [...]

Ask Monty: Does your horse like his blanket?2019-12-03T08:17:59-08:00

Ask Monty: Do your methods make horses more successful?


October. 30, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do your methods make horses more successful? You work mostly on horse problems such as biting, kicking or refusing to go into the trailer. Do you think your methods could make top horses even more successful, get dressage horses more concentrated in the arena or make show [...]

Ask Monty: Do your methods make horses more successful?2019-10-31T06:22:14-07:00

Causing your horse to ‘want to’


Horsemanship clinics are flourishing and there has never been a time in history when horse owners have had more opportunity to learn to be better owners. So why are so many of us confused at times by the multitude of information and seemingly opposing answers about horsemanship? In the beginning, horses don't understand what we [...]

Causing your horse to ‘want to’2019-10-05T05:11:43-07:00

Ask Monty: How can we learn to listen to horses?


September. 18, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: How can we learn to listen to horses? How can we learn to listen to horses? Can anyone learn the horses’ language or does it require a special talent? Monty's Answer: For the past 30 years, I have set out to show the world how my concepts have improved [...]

Ask Monty: How can we learn to listen to horses?2019-10-05T03:29:51-07:00

Pivotal Time for the Thoroughbred Racing Industry


“Whipping the horse and producing pain in order to achieve ANY given goal is wrong, in my opinion.” Monty Roberts August 26, 2019 Solvang, California: The count was 29 horses dead at Santa Anita this season and many people blamed the unusually heavy rainfall for the problems this year. Sealing the track over and over is [...]

Pivotal Time for the Thoroughbred Racing Industry2019-09-01T23:24:14-07:00

Temple Grandin Speaking at Monty Roberts’ The Movement June 2020


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] Temple Grandin Speaking at Monty Roberts’ The Movement June 2020 July 31, 2019 Solvang, California: The fourth week in June 2020 is being held for the 3rd annual event that centers on the qualities of horses to teach us how [...]

Temple Grandin Speaking at Monty Roberts’ The Movement June 20202019-09-01T23:24:38-07:00

Learn from Monty Roberts in California this Summer


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] Learn from Monty Roberts in California this Summer June 30, 2019 Solvang, California: Monty Roberts will spend the summer at Flag Is Up Farms in Solvang, California teaching and certifying instructors from all over the world. Solvang is wine [...]

Learn from Monty Roberts in California this Summer2019-07-01T08:54:45-07:00
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