Ask Monty: How do you train a horse for a vulnerable rider?


January. 22, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: How do you train a horse for a vulnerable rider? Common sense tells us that there are certain breeds/temperaments that would be better suited to these [vulnerable] riders, even having taken this into consideration, are there any extra measures you like to put in place when starting [...]

Ask Monty: How do you train a horse for a vulnerable rider?2020-01-24T02:52:32-08:00

Ask Monty: Are you safe riding your horse?


January. 15, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Are you safe riding your horse? Thinking specifically about the safety of riders who are more vulnerable such as those with physiological injuries (e.g. like myself, having previously had spinal surgery); more mature riders and young children in the context of starting horses. Monty's Answer: We will [...]

Ask Monty: Are you safe riding your horse?2020-01-24T02:46:39-08:00

Ask Monty: When is a horse safe and ready to ride?


January. 8, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: When is a horse safe and ready to ride? Dear Monty, Some horses will instinctively buck during the starting process, what would you consider to be the safest or best way to ensure from the outset that this is not a 'go to' option when horses encounter [...]

Ask Monty: When is a horse safe and ready to ride?2020-01-24T02:46:21-08:00

Ask Monty: Why does my horse refuse a jump?


January. 1, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Why does my horse refuse a jump? Why does my horse refuse a jump? Monty's Answer: Probably, you have overmatched him at some point. Get the fences lower, let him have fun and rebuild his confidence. Elevate the fences gradually, attempting to discover his maximum capability. Horses [...]

Ask Monty: Why does my horse refuse a jump?2020-01-05T05:41:44-08:00

Ask Monty: How do you achieve a high performance with horses?


December. 11, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: How do you achieve a high performance with horses? You work mostly on horse problems such as biting, kicking or refusing to go into the trailer. Do you think your methods could make top horses even more successful, get dressage horses more concentrated in the arena or [...]

Ask Monty: How do you achieve a high performance with horses?2020-01-05T05:45:38-08:00

Ask Monty: Can anyone learn the horses’ language?


December. 4, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Can anyone learn the horses’ language? How can we learn to listen to horses? Can anyone learn the horses’ language or does it require a special talent? Monty's Answer: For the past 30 years I have set out to show the world how my concepts have improved [...]

Ask Monty: Can anyone learn the horses’ language?2020-01-05T05:47:10-08:00

Ask Monty: Does your horse like his blanket?


November. 27, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Does your horse like his blanket? My horse refuses to accept a turnout rug. I have been kicked several times and my hands have been burned because the horse bolts away from me as I attempt to put the rug over the body. He has pulled back [...]

Ask Monty: Does your horse like his blanket?2019-12-03T08:17:59-08:00

Ask Monty: What do you do with a horse that runs to the gate?


November. 13, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: What do you do with a horse that runs to the gate? What do you do with a horse that repeatedly runs to the gate? Monty's Answer: You need to cause your horse to be uncomfortable when he is near the gate and completely comfortable when he [...]

Ask Monty: What do you do with a horse that runs to the gate?2019-12-03T08:18:27-08:00

Ask Monty: Do your methods make horses more successful?


October. 30, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do your methods make horses more successful? You work mostly on horse problems such as biting, kicking or refusing to go into the trailer. Do you think your methods could make top horses even more successful, get dressage horses more concentrated in the arena or make show [...]

Ask Monty: Do your methods make horses more successful?2019-10-31T06:22:14-07:00

Monty Roberts International Learning Center 2020 Dates Announced


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] September 30, 2019 Solvang, California: It’s going to be an exciting year at Monty Roberts’ Flag Is Up Farms in Solvang, California, home of his International Learning Center and Shy Boy, the mustang of documentary and Breyer fame. Monty Roberts is entering [...]

Monty Roberts International Learning Center 2020 Dates Announced2019-11-11T02:07:06-08:00
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