Ask Monty: Is your horse explosive?


March. 4, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Is your horse explosive? Looking for ideas on how to help a horse that is on stall rest and can only be hand walked post surgery. He gets so, quite understandably, full of energy that he gets explosive, which makes going for a quiet hand walk challenging [...]

Ask Monty: Is your horse explosive?2020-03-16T02:11:36-07:00

Ask Monty: Can your horse jump confidently?


February. 26, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Can your horse jump confidently? Hi there, I have a problem with a jumper. After his jump he just goes absolutely mad, bucks, rears and just freaks out. Now I'm an experienced trainer and unfortunately I can not find the solution. He has been checked by the [...]

Ask Monty: Can your horse jump confidently?2020-03-16T02:11:50-07:00

Where in the World is Monty Roberts


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected]   February 28, 2020 Solvang, California: Monty Roberts spent the last two months in Australia training up a crop of young horses and a crack team of horsemen and women from downunder. The international growth of non-traditional and violence-free training [...]

Where in the World is Monty Roberts2020-03-19T11:10:09-07:00

Ask Monty: Do you train using treats?


February. 12, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do you train using treats? In Ireland at the moment there is, as you probably know from Caitriona, Patrick, Claire and Caroline, a growing interest in horsemanship that rejects violent training methods. Catriona has been of immense help to me from a distance, and I did a [...]

Ask Monty: Do you train using treats?2020-02-20T03:22:05-08:00

Ask Monty: Does your horse follow you?


February. 5, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Does your horse follow you? Hi Monty, I have a ex racehorse mare that I struggle to get in from the field. She’s good to go into the field and is happy while out there. But when I try get her in from the field she’ll plant [...]

Ask Monty: Does your horse follow you?2020-02-20T02:58:21-08:00

Ask Monty: How do you train a horse for a vulnerable rider?


January. 22, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: How do you train a horse for a vulnerable rider? Common sense tells us that there are certain breeds/temperaments that would be better suited to these [vulnerable] riders, even having taken this into consideration, are there any extra measures you like to put in place when starting [...]

Ask Monty: How do you train a horse for a vulnerable rider?2020-01-24T02:52:32-08:00

Ask Monty: Are you safe riding your horse?


January. 15, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Are you safe riding your horse? Thinking specifically about the safety of riders who are more vulnerable such as those with physiological injuries (e.g. like myself, having previously had spinal surgery); more mature riders and young children in the context of starting horses. Monty's Answer: We will [...]

Ask Monty: Are you safe riding your horse?2020-01-24T02:46:39-08:00

Ask Monty: When is a horse safe and ready to ride?


January. 8, 2020 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: When is a horse safe and ready to ride? Dear Monty, Some horses will instinctively buck during the starting process, what would you consider to be the safest or best way to ensure from the outset that this is not a 'go to' option when horses encounter [...]

Ask Monty: When is a horse safe and ready to ride?2020-01-24T02:46:21-08:00

Ask Monty: Do you think Join-Up is for dressage queens?


December. 25, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do you think Join-Up is for dressage queens? Why do you do your Join-Up demonstrations using an English saddle and never a Western? Is that why lots of cowboys think Join-Up is for dressage queens? Monty's Answer: There are many reasons why the saddle that I choose [...]

Ask Monty: Do you think Join-Up is for dressage queens?2020-01-05T05:36:02-08:00

Dr. Juliet Getty Speaks on Pain Management from a Nutritional Approach on Monty Roberts’ Horsemanship


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   December 24, 2019 Radio: Join Dr. Getty in learning about how the drugs that treat pain address the symptoms but do nothing to cure the problem. In addition, they often present a real risk of ulcer development. There are much better ways to deal with pain that not only relieve [...]

Dr. Juliet Getty Speaks on Pain Management from a Nutritional Approach on Monty Roberts’ Horsemanship2019-12-27T17:53:42-08:00
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