The Movement 2020: Now Live Streaming
With many travel restrictions still in place we’ve opted to take The Movement 2020 live online … like never before!
The best seat on the arena is reserved for you on June 21-22-23.
We have made it possible to NOT miss seeing Monty Roberts and Temple Grandin LIVE this summer! Watch, listen, learn and even ASK.
Engaging with these famous horse persons and amazing speakers has never been so easy!

Yes, The Movement 2020 is going LIVE streaming – like nothing you’ve seen before. This is an intimate ringside seat with a multi-camera view, up close, integrating video and graphics with moment-by-moment live learning.
With horses and our experts in the round pen speaking to you and allowing for questions from you and an audience of your peers from around the world.
There has never been an on-site event like it … don’t miss out on the first ever event of its kind!
How Do I Watch?
Ticket holders will be sent a private, secure link to log on. A moderator will take your questions for the presenters during their sessions. You only need a device with internet (including mobile, tablet, or desktop) to be LIVE at the best vantage point there is.
What makes these 3 days unique is that you can ask a question ahead via email or LIVE direct to the moderator via a text message. The log in and number to text will be provided when we send you your log on information. During the demonstrations and discussions, Monty, Temple and the other speakers will interact with each other and with the viewers too. It’s like you are there, but no bravery required to speak up in front of a crowd, just drop us a note with your question.
Three simple steps is all you need for the full, interactive, front row experience of The Movement 2020:
1. Choose any device with internet (including mobile, tablet, or desktop)
2. Use your private, secure link that we will email you to log on.
3. We will also email you a request for questions ahead and a number to text questions to our moderator who will take your questions for the presenters LIVE during their sessions.
Keep your experience going after the event too, by logging on to your free 1 month subscription to Monty’s Online University.
Also, the LIVE streaming is being filmed so that all ticket holders will also have access On Demand to the videos of the sessions after the event. This allows for different time zones and any interruptions – you’re guaranteed not to miss a thing!
The LIVE Streaming will be provided in partnership with HorseandCountry.TV. For subscribers of H&C TV, for a non-interactive experience, log on from June 21 and watch The Movement 2020 as you would all the great programming on H&C TV.
Two Events for The Price of One
Already purchased a ticket? Roll your $275 General Ticket over to next year’s The Movement 2021 (June 18-20), AND receive free access to this year’s June 21-22-23 LIVE streaming … PLUS next year’s The Movement 2021.
Roll your V.I.P. Tickets over to next year’s The Movement 2021, and receive access to this year’s LIVE streaming PLUS next year’s The Movement 2021 June 18-20 – with all the VIP extras.
The Movement 2020 Live Streaming Ticket Options
Don’t have a ticket? Tickets are now on sale at $175 for full access to this year’s three days of LIVE streaming with Temple Grandin, Monty Roberts and our other top experts in their field who will present, demonstrate and then conduct a live Q&A experience.
VIP Tickets: Exclusive Time with Monty
VIP tickets are now $375 and include access to this year’s three days of LIVE Streaming with Temple Grandin, Monty Roberts and our other expert speakers. And additionally includes a limited VIP experience:
A one-hour Q&A and chat with Monty and no more than 8 other VIP guests on a face-to-face live web conference call.
This is the perfect opportunity to have personal one-on-one time with Monty – all from the comfort of your home.
A Word from Our Presenters
“The Movement aims to help humans and horses live a better life through non-violent forms of communication – essential to build trust and to learn, lead and live together. At this unprecedented time in our lives, now more than ever, it’s important for us understand how horses can positively impact and transform us. Join us at The Movement 2020 where we will equip you to positively impact as many lives as possible through the unique power of horses.” ~ Monty Roberts
“When a movie is made about someone’s life, especially when it’s about how they overcame an obstacle that appears insurmountable to many of us. We are inspired to learn more, and the lessons can apply to our own lives.” ~ Dr. Temple Grandin
What makes this movement strong is the number of people willing to believe there is a teachable path to a better way with each other.
Each of our Presenters are ready to equip you with their concepts of peaceful interaction with horses and people, to start you on a new path, or improve the one you are on.
The Agenda
SUNDAY June 21: 9 am PST
Monty Opens THE MOVEMENT 2020 with a demonstration of understanding the flight animal. He introduces the presenters onsite and by live streaming. Each gives a few minutes on what they look forward to presenting.
Jamie Jennings and Monty help a horse work through a remedial issue, a life changing event.
Followed by Ashley Mancuso presenting Yoga on a Mustang and working with Monty on relaxing, breathing, and confidence around a flight animal.
SUNDAY June 21: 1 pm PST
Dave Mochel teaches us how to live, love, work & lead peacefully & powerfully. Monty demonstrates how horses accept leadership when it is displayed in love and confidence in body language.
MONDAY June 22: 9 am PST
Denise Heinlein shares what respectful interactions between horses and people should look like. Then Denise introduces a veteran to his first Join-Up with a horse, demonstrating healing from traumatic experiences.
MONDAY June 22: 1 pm PST
Madison Seamans, DVM, author and artist presents How a Horse’s Vision Influences Behavior and how we can quickly introduce ourselves as a “non-threat” to establish a partnership. An understanding of vision-mediated behavior is key to building the trust that is essential to a good, lasting relationship with horses.
TUESDAY June 23: 9 am PST
Elli Boardman, Human & Equine Chiropractor shares how understanding equine behavior is invaluable when treating horses.
TUESDAY June 23: 1 pm PST
Temple Grandin on How Horses Think. Temple speaks for the horse and for the autistic person who teaches us patience, kindness, & positive reinforcement. Monty and Temple work together to identify characteristics of the flight animal in a horse, learning new things from a human and gaining trust at the same time.