Ask Monty: Do your methods make horses more successful?


October. 30, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Do your methods make horses more successful? You work mostly on horse problems such as biting, kicking or refusing to go into the trailer. Do you think your methods could make top horses even more successful, get dressage horses more concentrated in the arena or make show [...]

Ask Monty: Do your methods make horses more successful?2019-10-31T06:22:14-07:00

Monty Roberts International Learning Center 2020 Dates Announced


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] September 30, 2019 Solvang, California: It’s going to be an exciting year at Monty Roberts’ Flag Is Up Farms in Solvang, California, home of his International Learning Center and Shy Boy, the mustang of documentary and Breyer fame. Monty Roberts is entering [...]

Monty Roberts International Learning Center 2020 Dates Announced2019-11-11T02:07:06-08:00

Ask Monty: Have horse training methods improved?


October. 2, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: Have horse training methods improved? About your methods of training horses, you question some traditional methods, for e.g. the use of the whip, but still it's the main item in horse shops. You've been a part of a horse market in the world for long, how is [...]

Ask Monty: Have horse training methods improved?2019-10-05T03:03:45-07:00

Horses Are Bio-Feedback Beings


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc. (949) 632-1856 [email protected] September 30, 2019 Solvang, California: You might have seen goat yoga by now, or yoga for horses, or even yoga with horses. But it may surprise you to see the upcoming series on Monty Roberts Online University involving yoga ON horseback. Ashley Mancuso joins [...]

Horses Are Bio-Feedback Beings2019-11-11T02:07:45-08:00

Ask Monty: How can we learn to listen to horses?


September. 18, 2019 - Ask Monty Newsletter Question: How can we learn to listen to horses? How can we learn to listen to horses? Can anyone learn the horses’ language or does it require a special talent? Monty's Answer: For the past 30 years, I have set out to show the world how my concepts have improved [...]

Ask Monty: How can we learn to listen to horses?2019-10-05T03:29:51-07:00

See Europe and See a Master at Work in his 29th Year


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] August 31, 2019 Solvang, California: If you love horses and love traveling, consider that Monty Roberts is in his 29th year of touring the globe, demonstrating methods of nonviolent training of horses brought to him by members of the audience, both in [...]

See Europe and See a Master at Work in his 29th Year2019-09-01T23:43:00-07:00

Learn from Monty Roberts in California this Summer


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] Learn from Monty Roberts in California this Summer June 30, 2019 Solvang, California: Monty Roberts will spend the summer at Flag Is Up Farms in Solvang, California teaching and certifying instructors from all over the world. Solvang is wine [...]

Learn from Monty Roberts in California this Summer2019-07-01T08:54:45-07:00

Starting, not breaking a horse


Let’s begin with a phrase that has gained traction over the last 20 years: “starting a horse” to its first saddle and rider. Defining this term is fairly straight forward. When a trainer comes to understand that horses are flight animals, they will then have the ability to offer ‘choice’ to the horse in the [...]

Starting, not breaking a horse2019-10-05T03:53:11-07:00

April 29-30 The Movement 2019 Symposium in Solvang, CA


March 8, 2019 Solvang, California: Come and discover how and why the qualities of horses teach us how to lower stress and build trust at The Movement 2019 to be held at Flag Is Up Farms, in Solvang, California, April 29-30.  Tickets can be found at The Movement’ symposium launched in 2018 with the vision to [...]

April 29-30 The Movement 2019 Symposium in Solvang, CA2019-05-22T14:37:29-07:00

Sept 10-12 Motivational Interviewing with Horses & Monty Roberts


August 28, 2018 Solvang, California: Motivational Interviewing (M.I.) closely parallels the work of renowned horseman, Monty Roberts whose non-violent approaches to working with horses and people has reached around the globe. M.I. is regularly used in Monty Roberts' Horse Sense & Healing program which rests upon a foundation of equine-assisted learning. “Learn to live by the principles [...]

Sept 10-12 Motivational Interviewing with Horses & Monty Roberts2018-08-29T10:51:49-07:00
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