What is the key to understanding horses?
Debbie Roberts Loucks2021-04-02T09:53:22-07:00In this week's Ask Monty, Monty Roberts answers the question, "What is the key to understanding horses, getting and keeping them onside?"
In this week's Ask Monty, Monty Roberts answers the question, "What is the key to understanding horses, getting and keeping them onside?"
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] February 28, 2021 Solvang, California: The Monty Roberts Mustang and Transition Horse Program at Flag Is Up Farms is in its sixth month of successfully training and placing horses in new homes and new careers. The training center is more [...]
In this week's Ask Monty, Nikki asks Monty Roberts' advice on how to deal with a reactive horse that is difficult to bridle and halter.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected]  January 31, 2021 Solvang, California: 2021 is going to be an exciting year at Monty Roberts’ International Learning Center in sunny California! Monty Roberts is entering his 32nd year of demonstrating methods of nonviolent training of horses, both [...]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] December 31, 2020 Solvang, California: "When you love your animals, you can never be alone. They occupy your every day and take residence in your mind 24/7. I love animals, and it is so important to me bring the principles of [...]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] December 31, 2020 Solvang, California: It's going to be an exciting year at Monty Roberts’ Flag Is Up Farms in Solvang, California, home of his International Learning Center and Shy Boy, the mustang of documentary and Breyer fame. Monty Roberts is entering [...]
In this week's Ask Monty, Amy asks Monty Roberts how she can teach her horses to be gentle. Read Monty's advice.
In this week's Ask Monty, Danielle asks Monty Roberts why her horse only bucks with her. Read Monty's advice.
In this week's Ask Monty, Noreen asks Monty Roberts "How do you breathe so your horse will relax?" Read Monty's advice.
In this week's Ask Monty, Mikaela asks Monty Roberts "Do horses communicate with their eyes?" Read Monty's advice.