Great Leaders Define Their Vision


The four finalists have been named for the 2019 Equine Industry Vision Award, the first major award to showcase innovation across the equine industry. Sponsored by Zoetis and presented by American Horse Publications, the award is intended to recognize ingenuity and service. Monty Roberts, was selected as one of the four finalists. The finalists are Certified [...]

Great Leaders Define Their Vision2019-05-22T14:36:39-07:00

Meet Monty’s Team at Equine Affaire and Equus Film Festival, NYC


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Media Contact: Debbie Loucks [email protected]  (949) 632-1856     Meet Monty’s Team at Equine Affaire and EQUUS Film Festival, NYC    November 8, 2016 Solvang, California: This week, Monty Roberts' team of Debbie Roberts Loucks and Dr. Susan Cain will be heading to Equine Affaire November 10 to 13 at the EASTERN STATES [...]

Meet Monty’s Team at Equine Affaire and Equus Film Festival, NYC2019-05-22T15:07:57-07:00
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