Monty’s Blog
The latest news and how to’s from Monty Roberts, Join-Up International and the Monty Roberts International Learning Center
Watch Monty Roberts videos on the Horse & Country TV
Monty Roberts joins Horse & Country in this 13 part [...]
Ask Monty: Is there such a thing a ‘coldback horse’?
Question: My husband would like to know if there is [...]
Ask Monty: How can I learn the correct riding position?
Question: Hello, I have a little problem when I'm riding: [...]
Ask Monty: What do you use to protect your horse’s back?
Question: My lovely appaloosa mare, Leggs, and I enjoy rambling [...]
Ask Monty: Why is my horse aggressive at feeding time?
Question: What do you do with a mare that pins [...]
Experiencing War Horse with Monty Roberts
Watch this fantastic video about Monty's experience working on stage [...]
Horse Sense and Healing
Free workshops with Monty Roberts for veterans. Monty Roberts has [...]
Ask Monty: How do you clip a big horse who is terrified of the clippers?
Question: How would you clip a big horse who is [...]