Monty’s Blog
The latest news and how to’s from Monty Roberts, Join-Up International and the Monty Roberts International Learning Center
Monty’s Spring Night of Inspiration and Workshop
The Corporate Learning Institute Partners Up with Monty Roberts for Workshops [...]
Carlos Gracida [1960-2014]
It was a devastating message that came through to me [...]
How to overcome a fear of horses
Question: I'm writing because, at age 54, I've been given [...]
Life Lessons From Monty Excerpt
Click here to read the FIRST FREE excerpt! Second excerpt: [...]
Monty Special Clinic with Portuguese Translation in March 2014
March 4-8 Five Days with Monty on Flag Is Up [...]
Episode 6: Race Trainer Sean McCarthy and Reiner Sandy Collier
Thoroughbred trainer Sean McCarthy and Reining Champion Sandy Collier on good horsemanship in racing [...]
Holiday Specials
Give the gift of learning this holiday season! Go to: [...]
A Night of Inspiration
Monty and Pat Roberts host individuals and family groups from [...]