Regional News and Events
January 2020
Ask Monty: When is a horse safe and ready to ride?
January. 8, 2020 – Ask Monty Newsletter
Question: When is a horse safe and ready to ride?
Dear Monty,
Some horses will instinctively buck during the starting process, what would you consider to be the safest or best way to ensure […]
Ask Monty: Why does my horse refuse a jump?
January. 1, 2020 – Ask Monty Newsletter
Question: Why does my horse refuse a jump?
Why does my horse refuse a jump?
Monty’s Answer:
Probably, you have overmatched him at some point. Get the fences lower, let him have fun and rebuild […]
December 2019
A Multi-Generational Story for both Horse and Rider
Media Contact: Debbie Loucks
Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International
(949) 632-1856
December 30, 2019 Solvang, California: Pat Roberts and Black Design’s Story began in 1963.
In 1963, Mrs. Pat Roberts competed on Black Design’s great grandmother, a beautiful Quarter Horse named Julia’s Doll. […]
Ask Monty: Do you think Join-Up is for dressage queens?
December. 25, 2019 – Ask Monty Newsletter
Question: Do you think Join-Up is for dressage queens?
Why do you do your Join-Up demonstrations using an English saddle and never a Western? Is that why lots of cowboys think Join-Up is […]
2019 The Ask Monty eNewsletters
[Our 2020 Ask Monty tips can be found here]
December. 25 Do you think Join-Up is for dressage queens?
Dr. Juliet Getty Speaks on Pain Management from a Nutritional Approach on Monty Roberts’ Horsemanship
December 24, 2019
Join Dr. Getty in learning about how the drugs that treat pain address the symptoms but do nothing to cure the problem. In addition, they often present a real risk of ulcer […]