Monty Roberts Certified Instructors – Australia2021-02-27T13:32:03-08:00

Monty Roberts Certified Instructors


“My greatest accomplishment was learning to be gentle; without that I feel I would have achieved nothing.” ~ Monty Roberts

Caroline Jennings began her training in Monty Roberts concepts in 2004 and became a Certified Instructor in 2008. She returned to Ireland to set up Equus Training Ireland; a facility to educate humans and horses in these non-violent concepts. Caroline now splits her time between Ireland, Australia and Monty’s farm, in the USA. Caroline has had a passion for horses and riding from an early age. She attended Monty’s demonstrations in Ireland in the early 90′s and dreamed of working with horses in this way. Choosing horses as her career path, Caroline went to the UK in 2001 where she studied a 4-year BSc degree in Equine and Human Sport Science at Warwickshire College, graduating with honors in 2005. Caroline has assisted Monty Roberts in many areas worldwide, including seminars, demonstrations, veteran courses and private consultancy for professionals in many disciplines. Caroline is passionate about her work, training horses and introducing Monty’s methods to people of all ages and horses worldwide through demonstrations, courses and equine assisted therapy.
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Horses were always a part of Sophie’s life, and for as long as anyone can remember she was always looking for a ‘better’ way to work with them. This is why a close friend gave her a book for her 9th birthday called ‘The Man Who Listens To Horses‘. Sophie never looked back. She knew one day that she would go to Monty’s farm in California and learn everything about this amazing method of training horses. That is exactly what She did, and in 2009 became a qualified Instructor in Monty’s methods. Sophie lives in Harvey Western Australia on her farm ‘Zekeula Park’, where she runs courses in Monty’s methods as well as training and starting horses for racing and the Olympic disciplines. Recently Sophie has started working with victims of violence, using the horses and Monty’s concepts as therapy.

Regional News and Events

February 2020

Where in the World is Monty Roberts

February 28th, 2020|


Media Contact: Debbie Loucks
Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International
(949) 632-1856
[email protected]


February 28, 2020 Solvang, California: Monty Roberts spent the last two months in Australia training up a crop of young horses and a crack team of horsemen […]

Ask Monty: Why do horses kick out?

February 19th, 2020|

February. 19, 2020 – Ask Monty Newsletter

Question: Why do horses kick out?

Monty, my mare typically kicks when I release her for Join-Up which does not seem too “safe” of an environment. Any advice on how to make her […]

Ask Monty: Do you train using treats?

February 12th, 2020|

February. 12, 2020 – Ask Monty Newsletter

Question: Do you train using treats?

In Ireland at the moment there is, as you probably know from Caitriona, Patrick, Claire and Caroline, a growing interest in horsemanship that rejects violent training methods. […]

January 2020

Monty Roberts’ Special Training Week Aug 3-7

January 31st, 2020|


Media Contact: Debbie Loucks
Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-Up® International
(949) 632-1856

[email protected]

January 31, 2020 Solvang, California: On August 3-7 Monty will teach the MONTY’S SPECIAL TRAINING: 5 DAYS no prerequisites.

Witness what created a revolution in horsemanship and open […]

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