November. 20, 2019 – Ask Monty Newsletter
Question: Do you recommend equipment that keeps the horse’s head down?
Do you recommend martingales, draw reins, tie-downs or chambons?
Monty’s Answer:
I would like you to think about this answer carefully. I am being asked here for an opinion on equipment that is fully extrinsic. I believe that a horse properly trained by my methods virtually never needs one of these. If I were asked if I have ever found them to be helpful, I would have to answer honestly that at one time or another, I have might have found all of them to be helpful.
It is difficult ever to say never but the need for extrinsic equipment, that is equipment which forces the horse to do it, should be used very sparingly. If you get your methods right, you almost never have to have it.
Read the full newsletter: November. 20 Do you recommend equipment that keeps the horse’s head down?