Champion Trainer Gai Waterhouse Calls on Monty


Solvang, CA (August 21, 2013) -  Race trainer Gai Waterhouse will utilize the skills of the world's most famous horse whisperer in her attempts to show Australian punters "something very special” in the spring with her high profile import Carlton House. Waterhouse confirmed on her website that Carlton House is being readied to resume in the [...]

Champion Trainer Gai Waterhouse Calls on Monty2013-08-21T22:30:36-07:00

Monty Roberts Receives CAFA Special Consideration Award


On June 4, 2011, the California Air Force Association (CAFA) awarded Monty Roberts the Special Consideration Award at the 2011 CAFA State Convention for his support to veterans. Read full article on Monty's blog:

Monty Roberts Receives CAFA Special Consideration Award2011-06-07T03:39:14-07:00

Monty and Angélica star on Brazil’s TV show Estrela


Monty and Angélica star on Brazil's TV show Estrela this Saturday with actor Murilo Rosa who plays a Horse Whisperer on Globo TV. The program has the largest audience of viewers in the nation. Monty and Murilo had alot of fun doing a Join-Up in the middle of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Monty and Angélica star on Brazil’s TV show Estrela2011-04-05T00:46:59-07:00

Monty in Fantastic Equine VIP Webisode


[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=false controlbar=over bandwidth=med autostart=true opfix=true /] Catch a rare glimpse behind the scenes of Monty's exclusive week long training session, at Flag Is Up Farms California, with some of the world's greatest ten goal polo players and students from countless countries, in a special episode of [...]

Monty in Fantastic Equine VIP Webisode2011-03-01T07:37:25-08:00

Monty Roberts’ Flag Is Up Farms is the setting for April ACTHA America’s Favorite Trail Horse Competition


Solvang, CA (January 31, 2011) – Monty Roberts and ACTHA have partnered to host an America’s Favorite Trail Horse Competition at Flag Is Up Farms in Solvang California – land of wine and horses! AND Monty has dedicated his Shy Boy Book to raise funds for the Mustang Heritage Foundation and encourage juniors to ride!

Monty Roberts’ Flag Is Up Farms is the setting for April ACTHA America’s Favorite Trail Horse Competition2011-02-02T03:04:39-08:00

Shy Boy Helps Wild American Mustangs


Monty Roberts and his most famous mustang Shy Boy, the authors of two new children's books are proud to partner with ACTHA  to benefit mustangs through the Mustang Heritage Foundation. ACTHA and Monty joined in support of the mission to increase the number of adoptions of American Mustangs. The sales of I’m Shy Boy, The [...]

Shy Boy Helps Wild American Mustangs2010-12-08T05:26:34-08:00

Monty Roberts is een paardentrainer en auteur van verschillende boeken


Monty Roberts werd onder de naam Marvin Lee Roberts in 1935 in Californië geboren, als één van twee zoons van Marguerite en Marvin E. Roberts. Getrouwd in 1956 met Patricia (Pat) Burden leeft hij sinds 1966 op de Flag is Up farms. De vader van Monty Roberts was paardentrainer en zo leerde Monty al op [...]

Monty Roberts is een paardentrainer en auteur van verschillende boeken2010-10-14T04:07:05-07:00

A Join-Up®-ról


A Join-Up®, vagyis a Csatlakozás a Monty Roberts módszer legfontosabb mozzanata. A Csatlakozás az a pillanat, amikor a ló úgy dönt, hogy inkább marad az ember mellett, az ember közelében, minthogy elmenjen tőle. Ez a pillanat egészen különleges, megható érzés, hiszen semmilyen erőszak, kényszerítés nem előzi meg, hanem a ló saját maga dönt úgy, hogy [...]

A Join-Up®-ról2010-10-14T02:11:10-07:00

Monty Robertsről


Monty Roberts, akit úgy ismerünk, mint az igazi Suttogó, kivételes életet él. Számtalan díjat nyert, a sajtó világszerte közvetítette munkáját, kiadott három New York Times bestseller könyvet, II. Erzsébet angol királynő számos lovát és lovászát képezte ki Londonban, és többek között a Zürichi Egyetem díszdoktora. Mint Bajnok lovak trénere, sikeres író, hollywoodi kaszkadőr és szakértő [...]

Monty Robertsről2010-10-14T02:09:35-07:00
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