Monty Roberts’ Lessons from the Roundpen Part I
Debbie Roberts Loucks2010-12-21T04:11:22-08:00LESSONS FROM THE ROUNDPEN PART I By Monty Roberts We live in restless times. In almost every area of life people can feel that things are changing and indeed must change. But no one knows where the necessary changes will lead or what they will mean for those concerned. What, you may be asking yourself, [...]
December 4, 2010: Understanding the Needs of Horses
Debbie Roberts Loucks2010-12-05T03:39:46-08:00Often, when I see people working with horses, it seems clear to me why a horse might be confused. We humans are far from perfect at understanding the mind of a species whose behavioral patterns are so far removed from our own. I wish I could live another hundred years because I believe we will [...]