When you are working with a horse (especially a wild one), do you work with the horse until it is coming in to you or can you do it over a few days, leaving it when it is licking and chewing and looking in to you but not coming up? It’s a lot for me to remember in one session. Thanks, Dee

Monty’s Answer:
I am glad you are taking the time to learn Join-Up well. It is a conversation in the horse’s own language. Study Join-Up like an immersion course. Learn what I have observed for over 50 years. The language is there. Don’t try to reinvent it.

The conversation doesn’t stop and start over a few days. There is a lot to remember when it is unfamiliar but use a gentle horse to learn from. Study my Equus Online University; it exists to teach you the language. I always do Join-Up in a complete conversation, in a very short time.