Learn from Monty Roberts in California this Summer


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-UpĀ® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] Learn from Monty Roberts in California this Summer June 30, 2019 Solvang, California: Monty Roberts will spend the summer at Flag Is Up Farms in Solvang, California teaching and certifying instructors from all over the world. Solvang is wine [...]

Learn from Monty Roberts in California this Summer2019-07-01T08:54:45-07:00

April 29-30 The Movement 2019 Symposium in Solvang, CA


March 8, 2019 Solvang, California: Come and discover how and why the qualities of horses teach us how to lower stress and build trust at The Movement 2019 to be held at Flag Is Up Farms, inĀ Solvang, California, April 29-30.Ā Ā Tickets can be found at www.THEMOVEMENT2019.com The Movementā€™ symposium launched in 2018 with the vision to [...]

April 29-30 The Movement 2019 Symposium in Solvang, CA2019-05-22T14:37:29-07:00

Consider Year-End Support for Horse Sense & Healing


November 30, 2018, Solvang, California:Ā Join-Up Internationalā€™s programs are effectively assisting veterans, at-risk youth, animal welfare and education of future trainers of non-violent horse training.Ā HorseĀ Sense & Healing,Ā Lead-Up and a horse gentling program are regularly offered through the Monty Roberts InternationalĀ Learning Center as programsĀ under the non-profit Join-Up International (JUI). The Learning Center is located in the Santa [...]

Consider Year-End Support for Horse Sense & Healing2019-05-22T14:39:30-07:00

Monty Roberts International Learning Center 2019 Dates Announced


September 30, 2018 Solvang, California:Ā Its going to be an exciting year at Monty Robertsā€™Ā Flag Is Up Farms in Solvang, California, home of his InternationalĀ Learning Center and Shy Boy, the mustang of documentary and Breyer fame. Monty Roberts is entering his 29th year of touring the globe, demonstrating methods of nonviolent training of horsesĀ brought to him [...]

Monty Roberts International Learning Center 2019 Dates Announced2018-09-30T12:00:01-07:00

Join-Up International Adds Adrienne Brandes to the Board


Join-Up International Adds Adrienne Brandes to the Board September 30, 2018 Solvang, California: In 1983, Adrienne Brandes was instrumental in the launch of D.A.R.E. (for Drug Abuse Resistance Education), the police officer-led series of classroom lessons that teach kids K-12 how to shunĀ peer pressure and blow off drugs and violence.Ā D.A.R.E., the brainchild of the [...]

Join-Up International Adds Adrienne Brandes to the Board2018-10-30T03:04:47-07:00

Monty Roberts International Learning Center 2019 Dates Announced


Monty Roberts International Learning Center 2019 Dates Announced September 30, 2018 Solvang, California:Ā Its going to be an exciting year at Monty Robertsā€™Ā Flag Is Up Farms in Solvang, California, home of his InternationalĀ Learning Center and Shy Boy, the mustang of documentary and Breyer fame.Monty Roberts is entering his 29th year of touring the globe, demonstrating [...]

Monty Roberts International Learning Center 2019 Dates Announced2018-10-30T03:11:45-07:00

Monty Roberts Posts His Videos from the Famous Spanish Riding School, Vienna


May 30, 2018 Solvang, California:Ā Austriaā€™s iconic Spanish Riding School invited Monty Roberts to Demonstrate Join-Up last year in July and now Monty is making the demonstrations available on his Equus Online University. Founded in 1580, this 450 year old institution had never before invited an outsider to demonstrate aĀ differentĀ set of methods for starting and training [...]

Monty Roberts Posts His Videos from the Famous Spanish Riding School, Vienna2019-05-22T14:45:30-07:00

May 23-24 The Movement Symposium & Awards Dinner with Monty and friends


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-UpĀ® International (949) 632-1856 [email protected] Ā  May 23-24 The Movement Symposium & Awards Dinner with Monty and friends April 23, 2018, Solvang, California: Come and discover what horses have to teach us about lowering stress and building trust at The Movement 2018 to be [...]

May 23-24 The Movement Symposium & Awards Dinner with Monty and friends2018-04-24T16:36:11-07:00

Join-Up and Lead-Up Reach Vulnerable Youth


Media Contact: Debbie Loucks Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc./Join-UpĀ® International www.Join-Up.org (949) 632-1856 [email protected]Ā Ā  Katie Cunningham Lead-Up International [email protected]Ā  Ā  February 27, 2017 Solvang, California: On February 18,Ā 2017 Lead-Up International officially launched in Solvang, California at Monty and Pat Robertsā€™ Flag Is Up Farms. Lead-Up International, a program of Monty Robertsā€™ Join-Up International, brought their [...]

Join-Up and Lead-Up Reach Vulnerable Youth2019-05-22T14:58:26-07:00

Science Confirms It: Join-UpĀ® is Gentle on Horses


A paper titled "Monty Robertsā€™ public demonstrations: Preliminary report on the heart rate and heart rate variability of horses undergoing training during live audience events" has been accepted for publication in the international journal "Animals." "Animals" is an international and interdisciplinary scholarly open access journal concerned with publishing high quality scientific papers within the field [...]

Science Confirms It: Join-UpĀ® is Gentle on Horses2016-09-13T21:15:12-07:00
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