CHA Equine Facility Management Certification in Central California


July 31, 2018 Solvang, CA: Monty Roberts and Flag Is Up Farms announce they are collaborating to hold a Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) Equine Facility Management Certification Clinic February 15,16,17 in Solvang, California, centrally located.   CHA clinics are directed by nationally recognized CHA Clinic Instructors and the Clinic Instructors for this clinic will be Jill Montgomery, Region [...]

CHA Equine Facility Management Certification in Central California2018-07-31T17:21:24-07:00

Monty’s Special Training Clinic Daily Journal


  Day 1, Monty's Special Training A super group representing horse lovers from about 10 countries came to Flag Is Up Farms for an educational experience spanning 5 days. On this first day of the clinic, I worked with Liger, a beautiful Arabian gelding destined for high achievements in endurance. The 3-year-old starter is owned [...]

Monty’s Special Training Clinic Daily Journal2013-08-10T22:09:04-07:00

How sensitive is your horse?


Question: My horse is very sensitive in the flank and the stifle area. When I am grooming her, she seems to get very angry. She puts her ears back and even acts as though she would kick me. When I brush or touch her in the area of the flank or the stifle, she moves [...]

How sensitive is your horse?2013-06-18T22:01:30-07:00

Catch Your Horse in the Field… Or, Let Your Horse Catch You!


Monty’s Answer: Thank you for sending this question as it is asked quite often. People regularly hear me say, “Don’t catch your horse; let your horse catch you.” I would like to address your question assuming that you understand the basic tenets of Join-Up and you have exhausted the use of these basic concepts of [...]

Catch Your Horse in the Field… Or, Let Your Horse Catch You!2012-07-04T04:32:08-07:00

Monty Roberts Certified Instructors’ Gathering 2012


Imagine a gathering of Monty Roberts Certified Instructors from all over the world coming to Flag Is Up Farms to share their ideas and further their learning. Imagine untouched and wild horses being gentled by some of the best teachers of Join-Up on earth. Imagine riding together at my beautiful, state-of-the-art equine facility in the USA. This [...]

Monty Roberts Certified Instructors’ Gathering 20122012-03-21T19:58:27-07:00

December 4, 2010: Understanding the Needs of Horses


Often, when I see people working with horses, it seems clear to me why a horse might be confused. We humans are far from perfect at understanding the mind of a species whose behavioral patterns are so far removed from our own. I wish I could live another hundred years because I believe we will [...]

December 4, 2010: Understanding the Needs of Horses2010-12-05T03:39:46-08:00
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