Regional News and Events
June 2020
Ask Monty: How do you discipline a horse without force?
Horses are flight animals and, in addition, they are classified as grazers. Horses typically eat grass. This grass grows from the ground and never runs away from them. Their food is provided by nature and is most often never touched by human hand before being eaten.
Ask Monty: Does your horse bite you?
I have a horse who is a retired lesson horse who I adopted from my trainer. He turns 26 this month, I started the Dually Halter with him and my question is, will I be able to change some behaviors he has done like biting me when I mount him since he has been allowed to do this his whole life?
Ask Monty: How do you build confidence in a horse?
I would like to ask some advice from you about a 7-year-old mare. She is an Oldenburger sport horse. She was been started in a traditional way, and the owner told me she was totally fine with the first rider. She was been started by a young girl who is the daughter of the owner.
Ask Monty: Are you being fair to your horse?
Ask Monty: Are you being fair to your horse? ... My question is this: how do I understand the line between potential pain response from him and a learned behavior of getting his own way?
Awarding Excellence in an Equine Podcast
Media Contact: Debbie Loucks
Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc.
(949) 632-1856
[email protected]
May 31, 2020, Solvang, California: Members of American Horse Publications celebrated, virtually, the association’s 50th anniversary in Lexington, Kentucky in 2020. A promoter of equine media for 50 years, AHP […]
May 2020
Best seat on the arena at THE MOVEMENT 2020 June 21-22-23
Media Contact: Debbie Loucks
Monty and Pat Roberts, Inc.
(949) 632-1856
[email protected]
May 28, 2020 Solvang, California: Monty Roberts made it possible to NOT miss seeing Temple Grandin and Monty LIVE this summer! With many travel restrictions still in place, Monty […]