Join-Up with a Shetland Pony in Scotland


Dear Monty, My name is John Valentine from Aberdeen Scotland. I am one of your Online University students. I went down to Dorchester, in the UK, to see you at your demo in March this year. You are an inspiration to me and on hearing you say that you like to hear if your message [...]

Join-Up with a Shetland Pony in Scotland2018-11-30T23:25:11-08:00

Effective Communication by John Janclaes


Are you interested in how the principles of communication with horses transfer to human leadership models? Read this article by John Janclaes, President and CEO of Partners Federal Credit Union:        

Effective Communication by John Janclaes2015-05-05T10:12:16-07:00

Horse Sense for Leaders Guided Discussion


Start a discussion on the levels of trust in your organization. Use our complimentary Quick Read Book and Worksheet to talk about trust and how to create more in your organization. Click here to download a complimentary Quick Read Book: Click here to download the Worksheet: ~ By Dr. Susan Cain and Debbie [...]

Horse Sense for Leaders Guided Discussion2015-04-27T09:31:42-07:00
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